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generative hyphaeの例文


  • The hyphal system is monomitic, containing only generative hyphae.
  • The hyphal system is monomitic, meaning it contains only generative hyphae.
  • The generative hyphae have clamps and are intricately branched.
  • The hyphal structure is monomytic, meaning that only generative hyphae are produced.
  • Hyphal structure monomitic; generative hyphae lacking clamps.
  • Most of the generative hyphae bear clamp connections.
  • "Rhizochaete " has a monomitic hyphal system, with only generative hyphae.
  • The generative hyphae have clamp connections.
  • There are also hyaline generative hyphae.
  • The flesh, again, is primarily made up of skeletal hyphae with some generative hyphae.
  • The hyphae are monomitic ( consisting of only generative hyphae ), and they have clamp connections.
  • They have a monomitic hyphal system, containing only generative hyphae, and these hyphae have clamp connections.
  • The generative hyphae have clamp connections; the skeletal hyphae are brownish, and thick-walled to solid.
  • "Diacanthodes " has a dimitic hyphal system, meaning it contains both generative hyphae and skeletal hyphae.
  • The hyphae lack clamp connections, and the hyphal structure is monomitic, meaning that only generative hyphae are present.
  • Fungi that form fusiform skeletal hyphae bound by generative hyphae are said to have "'sarcodimitic "'hyphal systems.
  • The generative hyphae have clamp connections; the skeletal hyphae are thick-walled to solid, and have a weak dextrinoid reaction.
  • They differ in microscopic characteristics : " Bondartzewia " fungi have clampless generative hyphae, no cystidia, and amyloid spores.
  • The cap tissue consists of generative hyphae, thick-walled skeletal hyphae, and some oleiferous ( lipid-containing ) hyphae.
  • The pileipellis, the top layer of hyphae in the cap, is a generative hyphae, and run parallel to one another.
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